Relaxation Strategies for Children with Selective Mutism

Relaxation training is a common behavioral intervention for anxiety. For children with Selective Mutism, who likely experience symptoms of anxiety on a daily basis, relaxation techniques can be especially beneficial. Below are some common relaxation techniques.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: tense then release every muscle in your body starting with your face and working your way down to your toes! See this video for a kid-friendly muscle relaxation walkthrough!

Visualization: close your eyes and imagine you are at your favorite place.  For example, imagine you are on the beach. What do you feel (e.g., sand in toes, water splashing on body, warmth of the sun)? What do you see (e.g., dolphins jumping, people playing catch, someone surfing, boat riding by)? What do you hear (e.g., waves crashing, wind blowing, birds chirping)? What do you smell (e.g., fresh air, salt water, sunscreen)?

Deep Breathing: see the infographic for an example of star breathing.